
BlueConic CDP Overview

BlueConic CDP gives you real-time data transformation ready for instant activation. Spend less time waiting and more time engaging — with no coding required.

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Five Essential AI & ML Models for Retail & Consumer Goods

Get practical strategies for successfully harnessing the power of AI and ML for your business.

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A Complete Guide to the Integrated Pure-Play CDP

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take a closer look at integrated pure-play CDPs, exploring their defining features, advantages, and real-world applications.

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8 Strategies for Crafting a Winning Customer Data Platform RFP

Discover the key capabilities that should be on your CDP vendor comparison checklist.

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A Publisher’s Guide to Mitigating Churn and Increasing Subscriber Retention
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The Customer Retention Handbook for Retail & Consumer Goods Companies
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The State of Publisher Subscriptions

Learn about the progress publishers have made in building subscriptions programs.

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The Customer Acquisition Handbook for Retail & Consumer Goods Companies
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A Publisher's Guide to Effective Content Metering

Discover how an effective content metering strategy can significantly impact your subscription growth.

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10 Things Your CDP Vendor May Not Be Telling You

Discover the right questions to ask when choosing a CDP vendor so you can make an informed choice for your business.

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10 Questions to Ask Your CDP Vendor

Ask these critical questions to ensure you choose the right vendor for your business.

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A Publisher’s Guide to Personalized Content Recommendations

Learn how personalized content recommendations based on first-party data can help you boost customer engagement and revenue.

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CDP Use Cases in Consumer Goods

Get real-world examples of how consumer goods companies are using BlueConic to transform their customer relationships and accelerate growth that you can use as inspiration for your own business.

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The Paradox of Personalization: Balancing Consumer Expectations with Privacy Concerns
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CDP Use Cases in Media & Publishing

Learn how media and publishing companies are using BlueConic to transform their audience relationships and accelerate growth.

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CDP Use Cases in Financial Services

Find out how financial services companies can take advantage of a CDP to achieve their transformation goals.

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Why Second-Party Data is Becoming a Mainstay in the Privacy-First Era
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CDP Use Cases in Retail

Get real-world examples of how retailers are using BlueConic to transform their customer relationships and accelerate growth that you can use as inspiration for your own business.

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Toolkit: Selecting the Right Customer Data Platform

This toolkit provides a framework for goals, uses cases, and questions to design an RFP that will help you find the right customer data platform (CDP).

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Debunking the Four Myths of Consumer Data Privacy

Learn how you can embrace a more proactive approach to consumer data privacy.

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A Single Customer View for Financial Services

Download this ebrief to learn how financial services companies are turning first-party data into a strategic business asset by creating a single customer view for the business.

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Why Ethical Data Management and Privacy Matter

See why data ethics, privacy, and trust are non-negotiable imperatives that will affect every company over the next decade.

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Top 12 CDP Use Cases

Download our eBook to discover real-world examples of how BlueConic customers unlock revenue, enhance efficiency, and accelerate growth with our CDP.

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Data Clean Rooms: The Key to Marketing Measurement in the Privacy-First Era
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Data Clean Rooms: The Next Era of CPG

Download our guide to learn how CPG companies can navigate third-party data deprecation and facilitate second-party data sharing with our data clean room.

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The Third-Party Data Deprecation Playbook

Download our eBook to discover the four essential tools you need for success in the privacy-first era.

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A Single Customer View for Consumer Goods

Download this guide to learn 4 ways consumer goods companies are turning first-party data into a strategic business asset by creating a single customer view for their business.

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Identity Terms, Defined

Download this guide to learn the differences between common mechanisms that relate to the overall concept of identity.

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Starting Your Customer Data Platform Journey

Learn how you can begin your customer data platform journey — and get on your way to accelerating business growth — in our infographic.

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A Single Customer View for Telecommunications

Download this guide to learn 3 ways telecommunications companies are turning first-party data into a strategic business asset by creating a single customer view for their business.

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Assessing Technology’s Impact on Marketing & CX Operations

Discover how the right tech can fundamentally transform how marketing, CX, and other growth teams understand and interact with customers.

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Omni-Channel Acceleration in Retail

Download this guide to learn 4 ways retailers are turning first-party data into a strategic business asset for omni-channel growth.

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Business Transformation in Media & Publishing

Download this guide to learn how media and publishing companies are turning first-party data into a strategic business asset for growth.

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Improving Operational Efficiency with a CDP

Download our eBrief to learn why martech investment decisions should be grounded in the operational efficiencies they create for marketing.

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What Is a CDP? And What Isn’t a CDP?

"What is a CDP?" It's a frequently asked question by business professionals and leaders alike. And one we answer in our in-depth eBook.

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The New Customer Engagement Model: How to Transform Customer Relationships & Drive Growth in the Privacy-First Era
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Marketing Cloud Suite vs. Best-of-Breed Approach: Why Brands Are Turning to CDPs to Power Their MarTech Stacks
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Building a Business Case for a Customer Data Platform

Download our customer data platform business case eBook to learn how you can make the case for a CDP to your leadership team.

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FOLIO: Why Data is the Future of Your Publishing Business

In this Special Report, Folio sought to identify the state of data in publishing and magazine media, and how it's transforming the industry.

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